Chapter 3 | Add new functions to your filler
To cope with a changing customer demand, it is vital that you can add functions to your filling machine. The functions that you can add to your filler as an upgrade are :
- An additional filler for multilayer
- rigid lid for multiserve products
- additional process for multiflavors
- Leak control
- Individual product weight control
- New closing system : foil, screwcap, etc
- Desinfection system : H2O2, pulsed lights
- …
There are too many filling machines that are under utilized due to their unability to evolve to match customer needs. This will never happen with a SmartLine that has been designed with evolution in mind.
You want to know more, you can contact Eric : + 33 6 65 16 99 39 or eric.lesbats@paker.fr
#dairyproducts #innovation #filler #fillingmachine #yogurtfiller